The Forces at Play that Help You Win!
Mar 22, 2023
I love to trade on the Stock Market. Because you are listening I am assuming it is fun for you, too. So we both enjoy it and we both want to make money trading. Great!
But, short and sweet. If you don’t understand economics, trading will be hard for you. Watch what forces at play you need to understand and how I used those forces to double my trading account in 10 weeks.
Yes, sometimes you will get lucky and hit a spell were everything goes right and you are bringing in the moola.
Then BAM. We are hit with another government announcement, another crisis. Last week it was the CPI and the PPI report. Both had favorable results or so it appeared. Yet the Feds are still talking about another big rate hike. To so many people I am mentoring, it is confusing. A huge proportion of the earnings announcement by companies have far exceeded the estimates by analyst. On the surface it doesn’t make sense. If things are so good how come they are so bad.
All we want is an insight into the Market so our trades are on solid footing and profitable. But it has been hard for the past year.
I am here to tell you – your confusion and trouble placing profitable trades is not your fault. I have been around a long time. I am right in the middle of my eighth decade of life and have been trading in some form since I was in my twenties. In that time, I have seen lots of economic cycles.
My first glimpse was in the early 70’s. I was working with the San Carlos Apache in Arizona to help them set up businesses and was driving back to Phoenix. This was in the days when gas was about 29.9 Cents a gallon. If you remember that then you are old as dirt, too.
I had stop to gets some gas and saw the price was $49.9 cent a gallon. What the heck. That is almost double what I was used to paying. So, I drove on thinking I had just enough gas in the tank to make the next station and it was even higher. Overnight things had gone crazy. That started my journey to try and understand the forces that controls us all. Over the years I saw the big picture and began to see cycles.
The other day, I listened to a speech by Biden where he talked about taxing the wealthy and corporations. That action actually fits right into my own economic theories. It is one of the actions you see in a deflation cycle to get more money flowing in the economy. I call it wealth distribution.
I am a very successful traders and it is those theories that guide me to set up successful trades aligned with the economy.
Guys, I love numbers and I love economics. It is like a giant puzzle to me. But it is complicated. I have worked hard to verbalize my ideas and make it fun and understandable. That is what we are going to do in this coming Thursday’s webinar.
Physicists from Einstein to Hawking have been working on the Theory of Everything for years. TOE has been called
Final Theory
Ultimate Theory
Unified Field Theory
Master Theory
It is a hypothetical, singular, all-encompassing, coherent framework that fully explains and links together all aspects of the universe.
In string theory and in quantum physics there are a few elemental forces. The same is true in economics where the basic drive is
Debt/Money Cycles.
I will throw one tidbit out there which will blow your mind and start you thinking.
In the United States in the debt money cycle there is 3 Trillion Dollars available of actual cash and 50 Trillion dollars of debt.
My goal is to lay out this out in a very simple and easily understood format and then to relate it to our trading. I strongly believe that that once you grasp these cycle concepts your own trading will improve. And you will eventually be able to achieve something similar to what I do. I usually double my trading account about every ten weeks.
Here’s where I am after 9 weeks into our DATA Class series
Be sure and catch this week’s webinar. I know it will blow your mind away and bring your understanding and confidence to a whole new level.
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